Size: 1848K License: Shareware Price: $69.95 By: 1.0 An e xtremely-low-bit rate (2400bps) voice codec. This could potentially allow an authorized but non-privileged local user to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges on the system. # Exploit Title: NetDrive 2.6.12 Unquoted Service Path Elevation of Privilege # Date: # Exploit Author: Tulpa # Contact: # Author website: # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 2.6.12 # Tested on: Windows 7 x86 # Shout-out to carbonated and ozzie_offsec 1.

Description: NetDrive installs a service with an unquoted service path running with SYSTEM privileges. Proof C: >sc qc Netdrive2_Service_Netdrive2 QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS SERVICE_NAME: Netdrive2_Service_Netdrive2 TYPE: 110 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS (interactive) START_TYPE: 2 AUTO_START ERROR_CONTROL: 1 NORMAL BINARY_PATH_NAME: C: Program Files NetDrive2 nd2svc.exe LOAD_ORDER_GROUP: TAG: 0 DISPLAY_NAME: NetDrive2_Service_NetDrive2 DEPENDENCIES: SERVICE_START_NAME: LocalSystem 3. Size: 2.75MB License: Shareware Price: $35.99 By: 4.1.29 An e xtremely flexible and accu rate talking translating dictionary Size: 3.75MB License: Shareware Price: $49.95 By: LingvoSoft E xtremely customizable random password and username gene rator. Size: 881KB License: Freeware Price: Free By: 4.1.29 An e xtremely flexible and accu rate talking translating dictionary Size: 5.11MB License: Shareware Price: $49.95 By: LingvoSoft 5.41 E xtremely full featured password gene rator for Windows Size: 5.30MB License: Shareware Price: $24.95 By: FTP Explorer is a 32-bit FTP application that is e xtremely simple to ope rate. Size: 17KB License: Freeware Price: Free By: Sponsored Links xtreme rat In Short Description 4.1.29 An e xtremely flexible and accu rate bilingual translating dictionary Size: 4.15MB License: Shareware Price: $34.95 By: 1.1 Mig rate-Data is an e xtremely powerful enterprise data mig ration tool Size: 2.39MB License: Freeware Price: Free By: An excellent utility available ***FREE*** to gene rate e xtremely secure 4,5. Size: 1.75MB License: Freeware Price: Free By: 1.0 Xtreme is designed to be a small but powerful text encryption tool. Size: 1.72MB License: Freeware Price: Free By: 2.0 Collect subscribers and boost your sales by generating opt in forms. Compressed file Xtreme Rat 3.1.rar download at Size: 893KB License: Shareware Price: $14.95 By: Extreme Internet Software 2.0 Help Boost Your Subscriber Opt Ins Magically By At Least 200%. E-mail: * Twitter: Download Xtreme RAT 3. * Venda privada de crypters, entre em contato.

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